Hi there ๐Ÿ‘‹!

My name is Paolo, and I am a full-stack developer ๐Ÿ’ป. This is my little corner on the web.

Welcome to my portfolio website! I am a passionate full-stack developer with expertise in Python, and I’m here to showcase my journey in the world of web development.
From designing elegant user interfaces to crafting robust back-end solutions, I’ve had the privilege of working on diverse projects that highlight my skills and dedication to creating seamless, efficient, and user-friendly web applications.

Explore my portfolio to see how I bring ideas to life through code, and feel free to reach out if you’d like to collaborate or learn more about my work. Thank you for visiting!


Automated site that allows the sale/purchase of school books, without the use of accounts but with admin accounts that can supervise and accept


Website connected to a modded Minecraft server that allows you to control redstone frequency remotely, ‘home automation’ style


Website connected to a modded Minecraft server that allows you to control cars remotely, ‘home automation’ style